Sebastian Hernandez, 2022 Intern

Meet Sebastian Hernandez

A PhD candidate at Texas Tech University.

He earned his Bachelors of Science in Animal Science from Texas A&M University and his Masters of Science in Food Science from Texas Tech. Sebastian is another one of our interns who returned for a second internship experience with us. This summer, he was an intern for Simmons Pet Food where he evaluated the shelf-life influences on volatile flavor profiles. Working alongside Brittany White, Director of Product Development for Simmons Pet Food, Sebastian evaluated microbial growth, oxidation, and flavor profiles of raw materials (i.e., raw chicken) based on storage time, and then explored the palatability outcomes of these materials. Meat is an ideal medium for microbial growth making shelf-life management of raw material and finished product crucial to produce products that are safe and appealing to our pets.

This summer was an excellent experience in applying transferable skills I’ve learned during my grad program to an industry role. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my time at Simmons and I could see myself starting my career with Simmons. - Sebastian Hernandez

 What are two to three lessons you learned this summer that you will carry with you as you head back to school?

This summer I learned how to think about research more from an industry perspective. My research as a Ph.D. student dives a lot deeper into the fundamental mechanisms of concepts readily used by industry. While at Simmons, I was able to apply that fundamental knowledge to applied company needs. Additionally, I was able to hone my project management skills.

What do you believe sets Simmons Foods’ internship program apart from other intern programs? What was the most valuable experience you had during your internship?

Simmons Foods’ intern program is very hands-on and you have the opportunity to learn about all the business units, not just your specific area. The Talent Acquisition team does a phenomenal job from the recruiting process to the actual internship itself. I had many great opportunities to see the process of developing pet foods. I was able to tour plants, do benchtop testing, observe plant scale test runs, and many other unique experiences.